Life, exactly as it is, is the story.

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We make greeting cards and related products that cater to life’s real and raw moments.


Our ‘boiled peanut’ moments connect us.

So many of us know what it is to face some heat in life. If we don’t yet, we will.

We’re all vulnerable to the real and raw forces that shape our lives. Opportunities passed and taken. Love, in all its forms — lost or found, safe or stormy, forsaken or forever. Loss. Laughter. Grief. Anger. Acceptance. Regret. Illness. Exhaustion. Resilience.

We are living out this #boiledpeanutlife in an increasingly complex world. And we need ways to better connect with each other about what’s real and raw in all kinds of moments, big and small. Those moments can be hard to get right, which is why we’re on a mission to help nurture connection and conversation in the face of the many forms of heat that life throws at all of us.