
Welcome to our corner of the internet, where we’re starting conversations that matter to us. Much more to come, so stay tuned …

Some of us grew up with the silent understanding that love must be earned. We’re the people pleasers, the perfectionists, the hypervigilant glue sticks who spent decades seeking love from people who were not all that well. And then we started our adult lives, paid for it all and hurt a few people … yes? And now we’re out here earning every step of our recovery.

Coming soon

If I had a nickel for every woman I’ve met in mid-life who has whispered, “They didn’t tell us it would be like this,” I’d have a lot of nickels. For a woman, mid-life is often a time of profound destruction and reinvention. A time to shed many of the beliefs that got us this far out of an acute awareness that they won’t take us any further. A time to stand up for ourselves. A time to come home to ourselves. They may not have told us it would be like this … but darlin’, the rest of the story is ours to write.

Coming soon