We are a media company with a passion for real and raw moments.


Our company name originates from a feeling that our founder had one afternoon after hours of driving her young daughter to a series of medical appointments. Exhausted, she glanced to the backseat and saw that her strong little girl, who lives life on the autism spectrum, looked weary, too.

A simple thought struck: We’re a couple of boiled peanuts today.

The thought and the feelings behind it lingered, and lingered, and lingered. Boiled Peanuts Media Group wanted to be born … and so it was.

Our strong belief is that we are all likely to face a boiling point or two in life. And no matter what that looks like for you — significant needs or swings in your career, finances, relationships, health, or something else — we want to be at your side, seeing and supporting you well, in your real and raw moments.

Thank you for being here and please check back often — we’ll be rolling out new content regularly and working toward expanded breadth in our products, because your steam is our dream.